Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Recent days hardware manufacturers come with new idea that is SATA hard drive, SATA CD ROM drive for speeding up data transfer. Some time it’s hard to install windows operating system when your operating installation CD is old version but the hardware is new. Problem because of SATA driver we need does not come embedded in the Windows XP or Server installation package. To solve this issue we can follow below method.
Ingredients are involved in this operation:
1. The original Windows XP or Server Installation CD
2. A freeware application named
3. A blank CD
4. SATA controller drivers provided by the manufacturer.
STAT drivers could be found in floppy inside the motherboard package or you can download from manufacturer web site. After download the drivers unzip them (in case they come archived) in a desired location. Then download and install the Nlite (download from above linked web site) application. When you start the Nlite application, you will be asked to provide the location for the Windows installation package. Insert the genuine Windows Installation CD into the CD drive and, inside the application, select the CD drive letter.

To insert the SATA drivers within the installation package, you need to have it saved on the HDD. Hence, when the warning window appears click OK and select the destination folder for the files to be saved. Make sure that the destination partition / HDD has enough space to store the contents of the installation CD.
I tested a Windows Server 2003 standard edition and it seems that it required about 569 MB. Immediately after you have chosen the destination folder, the application will start copying the Windows installation files. When finished, it will display some version information regarding the newly copied Windows Installation Package.
Now, click next twice until you get to a screen where you get options sorted in 4 categories: Integrate, Remove, Setup, Create (left side of the window). We are interested in the integration procedure, therefore select the Drivers button and click next. From the next menu window, click Insert and select multiple drive folder option from the drop down menu. This option permits you to browse to the location where the downloaded drivers are found.
Select the containing directory and click next. You will get a list with the available drivers (in case there are more than one) or simply one driver. Select it (them) and click next. Now the application will ask for the permission to start the integration procedure. Choose Yes and wait for the drivers to be inserted into the installation package.
With problematic driver being included in the installation package you can install Windows XP or Server on your SATA HDD...but...the installation package is on the HDD. You need a bootable CD in order to start an installation. Don't worry, once the installation package has been adorned with additional user selected drivers it can be transformed into a bootable disk image and later burned on a CD. To encapsulate the installation into a ISO image use the same Nlite application.
Open it, make sure the HDD installation folder is selected and click next. Select "Last session" preset and click next again. Now from the options menu choose Bootable ISO and click next. In the following window, make sure that the mode is set to "Create Image" and click Make ISO. A destination folder is required where the resulting ISO image will be saved. Once the image saving process finished you have the freedom to burn it on a blank CD with whatever you favorite CD burner software may be. Go to and you will find lots of freeware to burn your ISO image.
The new CD will be the twin copy of the Windows Installation CD but with one difference, it includes the SATA driver.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Symantec 10.1 Issues

Moving Symantec AntiVirus Corporate Edition 10.x clients from one parent server to another

Situation: You have installed Symantec AntiVirus Corporate Edition 10.x (Symantec AV) clients as a managed client of a Symantec AV 10.x server, and now you want to move the client or clients to a different parent server. Solution: You can do that by first method but that will give you and your co-worker a big headache, but you can complete your mission without headache and less effort.

  1. “Manually move clients to different parent server”
  2. “Moving one or more clients to a different parent server"
  3. "Moving all clients to a different parent server,"

Manually move clients to different parent server

Uninstall Symantec Client security form your client PC. To uninstall follow below method

  • Open Control panel
  • Click Add/Remove Programs
  • Select Symantec Client Security and click Remove (At the end of uninstall process it will ask for restart PC, but don’t restart now.)
  • Select Symantec Live Update and click remove.
  • Now restart client PC and login as user or admin.
  • Deploy Symantec Client security form the Server.
  • Open Symantec System center console
  • Select your server group then select your server.
  • Click Tools > Client Remote Install (It will open up the Installation wizard)
  • Click Next
  • In the location select default and click Next
  • In the computer selection center from the left panel select your computer (Double click Microsoft windows network, double click your domain)
  • From the right panel select the server name then click Add (You will the select client PC shows under select sever)
  • Click finish and it will deploy Symantec client security on respective client PC. After finishing deployment click Done and close Symantec System center console

The above process you can use for first time deployment of client. In that you don’t need to uninstall anything just follow the deployment process.

Moving one or more clients to a different parent server

If you want to move a few clients to a different server, then copy the Grc.dat file from the new parent server to all the clients that you want to be managed by the new parent server. This can be done through many distribution methods, the most common being login scripts.Where to find the Grc.dat file on the parent server

  • If the parent server is Windows NT or 2000, 2003 then copy the Grc.dat file from the VPHOME shared folder on the parent server. By default, the VPHOME shared folder is pointing to C:\Program Files\SAV on the parent server.
  • If the parent server is NetWare, then copy the Grc.dat file from the SYS:SAV folder. Note: If you want to move the clients to a different parent server and also add them to a specific client group, use the Grc.dat file from the directory \SAV\Groups\, where represents the name of the client group. Where to put the Grc.dat file on the clientCopy the Grc.dat file to the appropriate folder for your operating system.

** Windows 98: The default folder location is C:\Program Files\Symantec_Client_Security\Symantec AntiVirus\.

**Windows NT: The default folder location is C:\WinNT\Profiles\All Users\Application Data\Symantec\NortonAntiVirus Corporate Edition\7.5\.

**Windows 2000/XP: The default folder location is C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Symantec\Norton AntiVirus Corporate Edition\7.5\.

Note: On Windows 2000/XP, the directory "Application Data" (C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data) is hidden.

If you have clients using Norton AntiVirus Corporate Edition 7.5 or 7.6, the appropriate folders are as follows:

**Windows NT: The default folder location is C:\WinNT\Profiles\All Users\Application Data\Symantec\Norton AntiVirus Corporate Edition\7.5\.

**Windows 2000/XP: The default folder location is C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Symantec\Norton AntiVirus Corporate Edition\7.5\.

Note: On Windows 2000/XP, the directory "Application Data" (C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data) is hidden.

**Windows 95/98/Me: The default location for this version is C:\Program Files\Norton AntiVirus\.

After a few minutes, the Symantec AV client will find the Grc.dat file in this folder. Symantec AV will make the appropriate changes to the registry and will delete the Grc.dat file.

Note: If you do not uninstall the Symantec AV Server software from the original parent server, then client computers may show up in the Symantec System Center (SSC) under both servers for 30 days. The old Symantec AV server retains the client's information in its cache for 30 days after it stops receiving "keepalive packets" from that client. To avoid or solve this problem, see the section “How to remove clients from the Symantec System Center”.

Moving all clients to a different parent server

If you want to move all clients to a different parent server, then changing a specific registry key on the original parent server will automatically direct clients to a new parent server. If the current parent server is no longer functioning, then use Method 2.

WARNING: I strongly recommend that you back up the system registry before making any changes. Incorrect changes to the registry could result in permanent data loss or corrupted files. Please make sure that you modify only the keys specified.

  1. Navigate to the following registry subkey:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\INTEL\LanDesk\VirusProtect6\CurrentVersion\ClientConfig\
  2. Change the "Parent" name to the computer name of the new parent server.
  3. Change "RemoteHomeDirectory" name to the new parent server.
  4. If you are migrating clients across server groups, navigate to the following registry subkeys:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\INTEL\LanDesk\VirusProtect6\CurrentVersion\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\INTEL\LanDesk\VirusProtect6\CurrentVersion\DomainDataand change "DomainName" to the new server group name in each.
  5. Close the Registry Editor.
  6. Open Symantec System Center.
  7. Right-click the original parent server, point to All Tasks, point to Symantec AntiVirus, and then click Client Realtime Protection Options. Note: If the clients are in client groups, right-click the client group instead of the parent server. You will need to do this for each client group.
  8. Click Reset All. This will generate a new copy of the Grc.dat file that refers clients to the new parent server.When the clients check in to the original parent server, they will receive the configuration change and begin communicating with the new parent server. If you stop and then restart the Symantec AV Server service or reboot the original parent server, then the Grc.dat file will again refer clients to the original parent server. Any clients that did not receive the configuration change will still be managed by the original parent server.

Note: If you do not uninstall the Symantec AV Server software from the original parent server, then client computers may show up in the Symantec System Center (SSC) under both servers for 30 days. The old Symantec AV server retains the client's information in its cache for 30 days after it stops receiving "keepalive packets" from that client. To avoid or solve this problem, see the section How to remove clients from the Old Symantec System Center to New Symantec System Center

How to move clients from the old Symantec System Center to New Symantec System Center

If you follow the last two methods may be you will not see the clients computers in SSC. Follow below the steps to see your clients PC under your new parent server SSC. Copy the xxx.xservergroupca.cer from New Parent server’s C:\Program Files\Sav\pki\roots to Client PC’s C:\Program Files\Symantec Client Security\Symantec AntiVirus\pki\roots. If you install Symantec System Center Console in D or E drive of parent server then copy the xxx.xservergroupca.cer file from D:\Program Files\Sav\pki\roots or E:\Program Files\Sav\pki\roots Wait for five to ten minute and you will see your client PC in New Parent server. If not then force the client PC to check with parent server by following steps On the client machine open regedit and goto HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\INTEL\LANDesk\VirusProtect6\CurrentVersion\ProductControl

Change the value from 0 to 1 of ReloadRootCertsNow key Change the value from 0 to 1of ReStartPongEngineNow

If these fields do not exist create a DWORD value and name them accordingly

Thursday, April 30, 2009


PROBLEM: In the Small Business server one problem can give you hard time which is shutdown automatically. There may be many reasons for that but two error that I found in the event log, they are as follows-


  • Event Type: Error
  • Event Source: SBCore
  • Event Category: None
  • Event ID: 1001
  • Date: 3/1/2007
  • Time: 02:49:31
  • User: N/A
  • Computer: SERVER
  • Description: The server was shut down because it did not comply with the EULA. For more information, contact Microsoft. For more information, see Help and Support Center at


  • Event Type: Error
  • Event Source: SBCore
  • Event Category: None
  • Event ID: 1014
  • Date: 3/1/2007
  • Time: 02:19:31
  • User: N/A
  • Computer: SERVER
  • Description: This computer must be configured as a domain controller. It will be shut down in 30 minutes. To prevent this computer from shutting down, run Setup on the disk that you used to install the operating system to configure the computer as a domain controller. For more information, see Help and Support Center at

CAUSE (which I found in micosoft web site): This issue can occur if the Windows 2003 Small Business Server integrated setup was not completed. Windows 2003 Small Business Server must be a domain controller and hold all FSMO roles for the domain. In order to facilitate migration from an existing domain, the Small Business Server can function for 7 days after installing without being promoted to a domain controller. After that time, the Small Business Server must be promoted to a domain controller using the integrated setup. If the integrated setup is not completed, the SBCore service will initiate a shut down of the server.


To resolve this issue, complete the Windows 2003 Small Business Server integrated setup. To access integrated setup, select "Windows Small Business Server 2003" in the Add/Remove Programs applet in the Control Panel.


  • Run regedit and expand the nodes until you reach the following hive / key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\SBCore
  • Right click this, hit permissions and give the "Administrators" group on the local machine full access ( don't forget to replace permissions on child nodes ). F5 in regedit and you'll see all of the values and data under this key.
  • Select the "Start" DWORD and change it from 2 to 4 – this basically sets the service to the "Disabled" state as far as the MMC services snap-in (and windows for that matter) is concerned.
  • Next, adjust the permissions on the file C:\WINDOWS\system32\sbscrexe.exe so that EVERYONE account is denied any sort of access to this file.
  • Then open process explorer, and kill the sbscrexe.exe process, if it doesn't restart – congratulations!
  • Load up the services MMC snap-in and you should find that "SBS Core Services" is stopped and marked as Disabled.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Shutdown Switches

Some common tricks to shutdown your PC. Type these commands either from Start>Run or from command prompt Start>Run type cmd and click ok (or hit enter). Applies to any edition of Windows Server , 2000, XP and VISTA

  • shutdown /s (To shutdown your PC)
  • shutdown /s –t:60 (To shutdown your pc within 60 second. You can use 0 to 600 for specify the time. Default is 30 second)
  • shutdown /s /m \\desktop /t:45 (To shutdown remote pc in 45 second. Here desktop represent your machine name in the network)
  • shutdown /r (To restart your PC)
  • shutdown /i (To shutdown or restart remote PC interactively. This command is helpful for system admin.)
  • shutdown /c “Msg” (To shutdown PC with message.)
  • shutdown /l (To logoff your PC)

You can use above syntax individually or jointly like:

  • Shutdown /i /l /t:30 (This will logoff your PC interactively within 30 second.)
  • Shutdown /r /t:30 (This will restart your PC within 30 second)

Remember one thing when you use /i switch, always use after shutdown syntax

Removing an offline folder share

In the server if you enable folder redirection by group policy, client PC always try to do sync with server. If you switch your old server with new server below methods can help you to remove old server settings from client PC. Below methods you have to do it in client pc.

For Windows XP:
  • Method One:
  1. Disable offline folders
  2. Delete all the files in c:\windows\csc
  3. Turn offline folders back on.
  • Method Two:
  1. Open Explorer
  2. Click > Tools > Folder Option > Ofline files (Uper tab)
  3. Holding shift + ctrl click Delete Files. This will prompt you to reset the offline file cache
  4. Click Yes and restart your computer.
If still client pc trying to sync with old server then open regedit.(Click Start>Run>type regedit then hit enter.)
  • Right Click on Picture and change the old server name to new server.
  • Right click on Personal folder change the old server name to new server
For Windows 7: 
  1. Disable offline folders
  2. Delete all the files in c:\windows\csc
  3. Turn offline folders back on.